Saturday, August 13, 2011

4th Dive Completed

Today we completed the third and fourth dives, both of which were conducted at locale Brown Stone. We are currently excavating test units in various locations across the landscape. We have a great area with what appears to be possibly the edge of a filled in channel or river. Excavations have been completed along the exterior of this feature and into what is hopefully the filled in channel. As of now, no archaeological materials have been recovered, but the potential remains. We will spend the next day or two here and depending on weather and finds, we will then move on the next locale.

Well that's a wrap! Talk to you tomorrow. GOOD EVENING! :)

Operation RSN Tubeworm Set Sail!

And the floating dock has been released! After many revisions in design and function (we no longer are using the john boat to hold the pump engine and batteries) it has set sail. We are still docked at our first site, Brown Stone. The first three dives have been completed and the site appears to be an area of interest. There appears to be the typical features in identifying sites under approximately 40 feet of water, as are often found at terrestrial sites today.

At this time we will complete a second dive today (or fourth overall) after dinner in hopes of setting up the dredge and test units in preparation for excavation tomorrow. The weather is currently holding and keep your fingers crossed that it will continue.

I'll plan on updating this, this evening upon the completion of the next dive. Until then adios!!!